Tuesday, March 07, 2006

This is my picture. I brought it home from school. It is called "Volcano Land". I will describe the parts of the picture with numbers on it:

1. Baddy (translation: bad guys) trap door (baddy aircraft land here).

2. When the trapped aircraft falls, a turbine cuts it up and sorts the metal and fuel and other kinds of materials. It throws every material out except for the petrol. The petrol gets stored and they use it for the volcano.

3. Training troops (goodies ie good guys).

4. The petrol gets sucked up and gets put into the burners. The burners explode the petrol and make a huge fire. Then a machine gets rocks and puts them in the fire to melt them and make lava. The lava gets shot out by some powerful jets. Then it forms a volcano.

5. If you go in this special room, there's only one way to get out and it's a very dangerous way to get out. You have to climb through the burner place! Or, you will have to go deeper down into the earth.

6. The leader droid is looking out for any leaks in the lava box, and controlling the battle droids too.

7. This special suit is only worn in the lava box. It is lava-proof: even if you get shot out and go past space you will still be alive. It has twelve billion centuries of air in it.

8. This is where the lava comes out. If you are standing head first looking down into the hole, and then it erupts, you will die unless you are wearing one of the special suits.

9. The battle droids at the top are just playing around because they won the last battle. They only had 4 droids against 5,000,000,000 enemies. They won just like breaking a toothpick (really easily).

10. All of the smoke comes out here. If all the smoke remained in the lava box, the fire would go out and there would be no lava. So they decided to make an extra tube that sucked out all of the smoke and shot it out an extra hole.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is my favorite of your postings--very complicated and intricate. How did you put the numbers on the picture?
Love, Grandma

2:17 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Tom,

I like the digger, I would like to drive one, it would be fun to have it at the farm. We are going out there this weekend, it is Memorial day when we remember friends and family who have died. We went and put flowers on my parents and grandparents graves last week and will do the same at Grandma Ada's grave this weekend.

The new drawings are neat...


2:31 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those are such cool drawings dude, i wish i could draw like that. My favourite is volcano land.

bye dude!

10:53 am  

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